Sigh, just discovered a few things that’s going to cost me some money.

I have a couple of flashes that I used to use a lot, this meant that I had a fair number of AA batteries. About 1.5 year ago I bought a Godox flash with a special battery (+ one extra battery) and I’ve been using that flash exclusively since then. This means that my AA batteries have been left unused since then … and uncharged.

Yesterday, I decided to try a camera that I haven’t used in a long time, so I put the camera batteries in the charger, and also started to charge my AA batteries. And … very sad face … it seems like all my AA batteries are dead, I’ve tried several different chargers but the batteries don’t take any charge at all.

Even worse is that the camera batteries doesn’t seem to charge either, when I put the first one into the camera - after charging it - I got a message “This battery can’t be used”.

In short: look after your batteries!!